A Warm Welcome to...
Max Welcomes Tigger
Big doings today at Cavy Companions. Max spiffed up, practiced his best rumble strut, and went on speed piggie dating with the three girls I introduced you to the other day. Tigger was first and she and Max went nose to nose right away, as if to say, "Who's in there?" He met Thelma next, and it did not go badly but Thelma just did not take to Max the way Tigger did. Holly and Max just did not get on well. Guinea pigs will sort these things out eventually, but for Max the choice was clearly Tigger.
Tigger is a real sweetheart who purrs when her back is scritched at a magic spot. Max and Tiggs seem very comfortable with each other. Tiggs is also pretty happy with us already, letting us pet her and enjoying a carrot and some web surfing during lap time.
I miss Ashleigh a lot today. We monkeys have a slower healing time. Tigger is good for Max, though, I can see it already. Welcome home, Tigger! We are all very happy to have you in the family.
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